

Line Papin was born in Hanoi in 1995.


" L'éveil "



I have to go back, it is unbearable to know him here, he who walks and lives not far away. No, it is not yet the awakening, the real one, it is my attention alone that it awakens for the moment, and it is underneath, further on, that we will hatch and fall and roll. I'm on the verge of awakening. »

The scene is in Hanoi, Vietnam, in the overheated alleys. It is happening today, but it could be a long time ago. It is a love story, with two boys and two girls, whose voices clash. It is a story of love, painful and sensual, where heroines only pass through the tumult of the city, and hide in the protective shadow of the rooms.

This is a first novel of exception. And the birth certificate of a writer.