

Néhémy Pierre-Dahomey was born in Port-au-Prince in 1986. He now lives in Paris.


" Rapatriés "


Belliqueuse Louissaint, a young Haitian girl with a fearless character, attempts an clandestine crossing of the Caribbean Sea to join the United States. The journey fails. She leaves a child there. Back on the native soil, she is forced to settle on a desolate land, reserved by the state for unfortunate illegal immigrants. The place is called Repatriated. The living conditions in this boat people subdivision force Belli to make a harrowing choice: she makes her two daughters adopted, Bélial and Luciole.

Belial will live in France under the tutelage of Pauline, an NGO employee who sees the child as a new reason to live. As for Luciole, she disappears in the vast confines of North America. Later, one of the two girls will return to Haiti, but when the reunion time comes, their mother will be exiled for the last time.

Presentation of the editor.