


" Antibes "


Editions Gallimard

Of Togolese origin, Corinne Almeida has lived in Paris since the age of 19.

"Here is a book which with its rich composition, as well as the complexity of its writing demonstrates unusual mastery. In the center, the narrator, carer of an elderly woman in a Parisian building. Of African Ethnicity, she remembers a past, fraught with tragic events. The memory of sexual scenes which her older sister introduced her to, fascinate her to the point that they revive the somewhat perverse magic. The overflow of dreaming accompanied by a lyrical at the same time torrid and death like. She withdraws from this giddiness unforgetable visions." (Introduction by the editor)

He felt his own life leaving him, he felt the life of his brother leaving his brother's body as if for a while he was himself, he was also his brother, both wonderfully empty, non-living but not dead, holding their lives on a leash. Similar light fumaroles, full of curves, their lives filled the car, they were overfull - overflowing which delighted him because it meant that he concealed so much life in himself that it could exceed the limits of his body, beyond the limits of a car, exceed the limits of his limited world, the boundaries of the world he could see and feel to creep quietly and normally to be everywhere, to what he did not know to what he did not suspect and that did not exist, they spread on the road, they invaded the country, went into the barns and houses where they were taken for the common mist, it seeps into the ground, they will disappear and it slowed, he would park in front of the institution, they had arrived. They crossed the garden, one behind the other. By day, this garden was a splendor of clipped bushes. The night was an overcrowded nightmare. It rang. He put his brother back. He was returning.

"The female body has its language, the language of injury and desire, decay and motherhood. The young writer of 37 years old Corinne Almeida sees the silent murmur of life, every moment, pushing the signs of tenacious death. In her first novel, she succeeds in writing, to convey this universal condition of living flesh." (Orianne Jeancourt, Transfuge, February 2010)