


" L'invisible "


Editions Buchet Chastel

Janovjak Pascal was born in 1975 in Bâle, of a French mother and a Slovak father. He studied Literature and History of Art in Strasbourg, before doing his national service in Jordan. Teacher in Lebanon, then in charge of the cultural center in Bangladesh, he now lives in the Middle East. He published a collection of prose in 2007, Coléoptères, at Samizdat in Geneva

"The narrator of this contemporary tale is a lawyer of 35. He works in Luxembourg for a big firm. Huge salary. No love. No friends. A cleaning lady... he never sees. He is ill at ease and feels insignificant to the point of feeling transparent. It is this unease that Pascal Janovjak takes literally. During a visit to Paris, the lawyer feels an inexplicable pain in his neck and then his arm. In his hotel room, he finds he has become totally invisible. Like the crazy hero of a HG Wells ! Marks on the wet carpet, a hollow on a mattress that is all that is left of him.
From that time on he travels, looking for easy sexual adventures. He wanders, always invisible, from Sardinia to an unknown region. Unpunished, he permits himself everything and delivered from his fears, he interestes himself with a humanity he believes he dominates ..." (Introduction by the editor)